Day 4

During the routine meeting this morning, Joe showed us two videos that featured RIT undergrad students in the Center for Imaging Science and their freshman projects. It was nice to hear what the students had to say about their college experience and their imaging science class in particular. After, Hannah and I went to go listen to a PhD defense seminar that our advisor told us about across the hall. The speaker was Sanghui Han and her presentation was titled "Spectral Image Utility Analysis Towards Optimization of System Design and Operation." She mainly talked about the comprehensive analysis of spectral image utility. It was very interesting to me that she drew inspiration for her research project from her experiences as a commander in the army earlier in life. Following the presentation, I went back to my lab (the GRIT lab) and read another article that I found online comparing dry sieving and laser diffraction (LD) techniques. In the paper, fine and medium-grained marine sands from the Belgian continental shelf were analyzed using the two methods mentioned above to determine the particle size distribution (PSD). The results of the study showed that fine and medium-grained marine sands measured using LD revealed coarser and less well-sorted PSD's than those of the dry-sieving technique. I also got to write a good portion of my abstract before I left. Overall, today was pretty successful.


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