Day 21
We had no staff meeting in the morning today. When I got to my lab, I started working on finding various statistical measurements of the data from our sieving trials for each of the three different samples. Chris found a program online called GRADISTAT that automatically calculated the mean, sorting, skewness, and kurtosis for a set of data after sieving. This program also generated various graphs that related to grain size distribution. I inputted all of the data from our trials with sand, clay&silt, and gravel into GRADISTAT in excel and copied the images of the analyses into our presentation. In the afternoon, my advisor went over the PowerPoint with me and made comments on some slides. I combined the background slides on sieving into one and replaced all the data tables with graphs of the same information, which shortened the presentation significantly (just what we needed!). I also added axis labels to the graphs that contained the binned data from our manual image analysis and added those to the presentation. We will start the wet sieving tomorrow or Wednesday.
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